Never underestimate the power that small actions make in how you show up, and how you feel.

About the Brand.

Chroma Nostaa Designs is rooted in one purpose: To provide you with quality wearable art that uplifts you every time you wear it.

Chroma means colour in Greek, and speaks to the vibrant and diverse colours that you will find in our designs. Colour has long been shown to significantly affect our emotions, and a diversity of colours and reflective elements in our work will provide you with beautiful options that resonate with the energy you want to amplify in your day.

Nostaa is a Finnish word meaning, “To uplift”. This part of the brand communicates our intention of what we want you to experience when wearing or sharing Chroma Nostaa Designs. How we feel brings so much energy to how we show up in life, which is why it is so significant. We have the power each day to shift and influence the energy we bring forward to ourselves, loved ones, work and community. When we feel uplifted, we are more equipped to uplift others and share our unique talents more fully.

We are honoured to be a part of your journey, and always welcome your stories and feedback on how our wearable art weaves its way into your story and purpose. Thank you so much for trusting us with something so significant.

About the Designer.

Julia Heinonen created Chroma Nostaa Designs after deciding to leave her corporate job in Stemcell Biotechnology. Her reasons for choosing to build her own unique career path in art and business was rooted in her commitment to her values, love of people, and sharing beauty and encouragement with others. Julia is passionate and curious about people, and this is reflected in many of her life choices, including obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and a Master’s Degree in Medicinal Chemistry.

Julia has always had a love of 3-D design and working with her hands, with the aim of empowering people through her creativity. On occasion, she has been asked why she left her corporate job to start a business? The answer is simple: It has given her the opportunity to fully be who she is and share that authentically with others. She believes being the fullness of who we are is the best way we can make the world a better place and by harnessing our talents and passion for the good of others, we will always succeed.

Julia is so grateful for your support and love. It is because of you at Chroma Nostaa Designs continues to grow and thrive.